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Common Web Accessibility Issues and Solutions for Your Website

Web accessibility testing is a critical process that ensures websites are usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. Despite its importance, many websites still suffer from common accessibility issues that hinder user experience. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most prevalent accessibility problems and provide practical solutions for addressing them. By incorporating web accessibility testing into your development process, you can create a more inclusive digital environment.

Hats wearer Hayden Anderson. Owner and Founder of Jolly Web Consulting. Based in Boulder Colorado
Hayden Anderson
May 31, 2024

Web accessibility testing is a critical process that ensures websites are usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. Despite its importance, many websites still suffer from common accessibility issues that hinder user experience. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most prevalent accessibility problems and provide practical solutions for addressing them. By incorporating web accessibility testing into your development process, you can create a more inclusive digital environment.

1. Missing Alt Text on Images

The Issue

Alternative text (alt text) is crucial for users who rely on screen readers to understand the content and purpose of images on a webpage. When images lack alt text, these users are deprived of valuable information, which can be particularly problematic for informative, functional, or context-providing images. Without alt text, screen readers can only inform users that an image is present, leaving them without context or understanding of the visual content. This can significantly diminish the user experience for those who are visually impaired, leading to frustration and exclusion.

How to Fix It

  • Identify Images Without Alt Text: Start by performing a comprehensive web accessibility testing audit using tools like WAVE, Axe, or Lighthouse. These tools can scan your website and highlight images missing alt text. By identifying these gaps, you can systematically address each instance where alt text is needed.
  • Add Descriptive Alt Text: Once you’ve identified images lacking alt text, add concise, descriptive alt text that conveys the content and purpose of the image. Aim to provide enough detail to understand the image without being overly verbose. A good rule of thumb is to keep alt text under 125 characters, as most screen readers cut off descriptions at this length.
  • Avoid Redundant Phrases: Phrases like "image of" or "picture of" are unnecessary since screen readers already announce the presence of an image. Focus on what the image depicts instead.
  • Handling Decorative Images: Not all images contribute to the content or meaning of a page. For purely decorative images, use an empty alt attribute to inform screen readers to skip these images, preventing unnecessary interruptions and allowing users to focus on the important content.
  • Context Matters: Tailor your alt text to the context in which the image appears. For example, the same image might need different descriptions based on its use in a blog post, a product page, or an instructional guide.

2. Poor Color Contrast

The Issue

Insufficient color contrast between text and background can make content difficult to read, especially for users with visual impairments such as color blindness, low vision, or age-related vision loss. Low contrast can cause eye strain and make it challenging to distinguish text from its background, hindering the user experience and accessibility of your website.

How to Fix It

  • Test Color Contrast: Utilize web accessibility testing tools such as the Color Contrast Analyzer, WAVE, or the built-in contrast checker in Chrome DevTools to evaluate the color contrast on your website. These tools can identify text elements with poor contrast and suggest improvements.
  • Adjust Colors: Ensure that your text meets the minimum contrast ratio requirements set by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). For regular text, the contrast ratio should be at least 4.5:1 against the background. For large text (18pt or larger, or 14pt bold), a ratio of 3:1 is acceptable. Adjust your color scheme accordingly to meet these standards.
  • Use Accessible Color Schemes: When choosing color schemes, opt for palettes that provide strong contrast between text and background. Tools like Adobe Color and Accessible Colors can help you select harmonious yet accessible color combinations. Additionally, consider offering alternative themes or modes (such as dark mode) that users can select based on their preferences.

Examples of High Contrast Combinations

  • Black text on a white background (21:1 contrast ratio).
  • Dark blue text on a light yellow background (12.67:1 contrast ratio).
  • White text on a dark green background (10.94:1 contrast ratio).
Example of color contrast - colored envelopes on a blue background

3. Keyboard Navigation Issues

The Issue

Users who cannot use a mouse, including those with motor disabilities or temporary impairments, rely on keyboard navigation to interact with web content. Websites that are not fully navigable via keyboard can create significant barriers for these users, preventing them from accessing essential functions such as forms, buttons, and navigation menus.

How to Fix It

  • Test Keyboard Navigation: Conduct thorough web accessibility testing to ensure all interactive elements (links, buttons, form fields, etc.) are accessible via keyboard. Navigate your website using the Tab key to cycle through interactive elements, and use Shift + Tab to move backward. Ensure all elements can be activated with the Enter or Space keys.
  • Ensure Focus Indicators: Visible focus indicators are crucial for users to track their navigation path. Ensure that all interactive elements have clear and visible focus states. Use CSS to customize focus styles if necessary, ensuring they stand out against the background.
  • cssCopy code
  • Logical Tab Order: Verify that the tab order of interactive elements follows a logical and intuitive sequence that matches the visual layout of the page.

4. Inaccessible Forms

The Issue

Forms are a critical part of many websites, used for everything from collecting contact information to processing transactions. If forms are not designed with accessibility in mind, users with disabilities may struggle to complete them, leading to frustration and potentially preventing them from accessing services or information.

How to Fix It

  • Label Elements Clearly: Ensure every form element has an associated label that is explicitly connected to the form control.
  • Provide Instructions: Offer clear and concise instructions for completing the form. Place instructions near the relevant fields to ensure they are easily understood. Use placeholder text sparingly and do not rely on it as the primary method of conveying information.
  • Accessible Error Handling: Implement accessible error handling to ensure users are aware of and can correct mistakes. Use ARIA live regions to announce errors in real-time.

5. Non-Descriptive Links

The Issue

Links that are non-descriptive (e.g., "click here," "read more") do not provide enough information for users who rely on screen readers to understand their purpose. These vague links can be particularly problematic when encountered out of context, leading to confusion and a poor user experience.

How to Fix It

  • Use Descriptive Link Text: Ensure link text clearly describes the destination or action. This practice benefits all users by providing context and improving navigability. For instance, instead of using "click here," use "download the accessibility guide."
  • htmlCopy code
  • Contextual Information: When appropriate, provide additional context around the link. For example, within a list of articles, include the article title in the link text to make it clear what users will find upon clicking
  • Use ARIA Landmarks and Roles: Enhance navigation further by using ARIA landmarks and roles to define regions of your webpage, making it easier for screen reader users to skip to relevant sections.

6. Missing ARIA Landmarks

The Issue

ARIA landmarks help users who rely on screen readers to navigate web content more efficiently. These landmarks define regions of a webpage, such as headers, navigation menus, main content areas, and footers. Without these landmarks, users may find it challenging to understand the structure of a webpage and quickly access the information they need.

How to Fix It

  • Add ARIA Landmarks: Use ARIA roles to define the main regions of your webpage. Common landmarks include 'banner' for the header, 'navigation' for the main navigation menu, and 'main' for the primary content area. These landmarks provide clear boundaries and improve navigability.
  • Verify Landmark Implementation: Ensure each ARIA landmark is correctly applied and avoid duplicating roles on the same page. Use web accessibility testing tools to check for proper landmark usage and address any errors.

By addressing these common accessibility issues through effective web accessibility testing and implementation of best practices, you can significantly enhance the user experience for all visitors, including those with disabilities. Regularly testing and updating your website will ensure it remains accessible and inclusive, fostering a positive and engaging environment for all users. If you would like us to help with your accessibility needs, Jolly Web is here for you! Schedule a 30 minute discovery call to get started making your web presence more inclusive.

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