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How to Transfer a Domain to Another GoDaddy Account: A Guide for Jolly Web Consulting Clients

Need to transfer your GoDaddy Domain to another GoDaddy Account? Here's your step by step guide.

Hats wearer Hayden Anderson. Owner and Founder of Jolly Web Consulting. Based in Boulder Colorado
Hayden Anderson
September 19, 2023

Transferring a domain might seem like a daunting task, but it's actually quite straightforward. If you're a client of Jolly Web Consulting, you're in luck! We cover the cost associated with the domain transfer, making the process even smoother for you. All you need to do is follow these simple steps to transfer your domain to hayden@jollywebconsulting.com.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Log In to Your GoDaddy Account

First things first, log in to your GoDaddy account.

2. Navigate to 'My Products'

Once logged in, click on 'My Products' in the top right corner dropdown menu.

3. Manage Your Domain

Find the domain you wish to transfer and click 'Manage' next to it.

4. Quick Links

Then click "Manage Domain" under Quick Links on the right side.

5. Initiate the Transfer

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on 'Transfer my domain to another GoDaddy account'.

6. Enter Recipient Email

For the recipient account, type in hayden@jollywebconsulting.com.

7. Keep Domain Contact Information

For the domain contact information, select 'Do not change'.

8. Nameserver Settings

Leave the Nameserver settings unchecked.

9. Confirm and Submit

Review all the details and click 'Confirm and Submit' to initiate the transfer.

Why Transfer Your Domain to Jolly Web Consulting?

  1. Cost-Efficiency: We cover the cost associated with the domain transfer and your renewal fees
  2. Expertise: With years of experience in SEO, paid ads, and custom website creation, your domain is in safe hands
  3. Ease of Process: Just send your domain to hayden@jollywebconsulting.com and we'll take care of the rest

Feel free to reach out to us at info@jollywebconsulting.com for any queries or assistance. We're here to make the process as seamless as possible for you.

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